Contact us by phone at 330-633-1050
Resources for Individuals with Disabilities
For Jobseekers
For Employers
For Youth & Young Adults
Other Resources
Our Partners
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority
The Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA) provides quality, affordable housing as a platform to develop people, property and community. AMHA administers Summit County’s subsidized senior and family housing, Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), and Scattered Sites programs. Resident services include early childhood educational and home visitation services, self-sufficiency programs, health & wellness programs and overall service coordination to support overall quality of life for low-income residents living with AMHA.
Community Action Akron Summit
Community Action Akron Summit (formally Akron Summit Community Action, Inc.) is a private non-profit corporation operating various programs that assist Summit County low-income residents to become self-sufficient. These programs include Head Start, Early Head Start, Foster Grandparent Program, Circles®, Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), Pathways HUB and Akron Summit Earned Income Tax Credit Program.
Emergency Services: 670 W. Exchange Akron, OH 44302
Corporate Office: 55 E. Mill St, Akron, OH 44308
Emergency: (330) 253-8806
Corporate: (330) 376-7730
Goodwill - Serving Summit, Portage, Medina, Ashland & Richland Counties
Goodwill is a private non-profit agency operating a variety of programs to help people prepare for, find and retain employment. These services fall within three basic categories: Career/Job Seeker including career exploration/advising, resume/interview preparation and skill identification; Business/Employer including recruitment, applicant screening and pre-employment testing; and Individualized including assessments/adjustments, evaluations for individuals with visual impairments, job coaching, placement/retention, work experience and youth programs.
Toll-free: (800) 989-8428
Job Corps
Job Corps is a tuition-free training and education program that connects eligible young people (ages 16-24) with the skills and opportunities they need to establish real careers. Students can earn a high school diploma, a high school equivalency credential, or college credits – all while receiving technical training in high-growth career fields! Students are provided free housing, meals, basic health care, and a living allowance while enrolled and career transition help from a dedicated counselor for up to 21 months following graduation. Job Corps’ Ohio centers are located in Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Dayton. Centers outside of Ohio may be explored for students interested in specific trades.
Visit for more information on the Job Corps program or for information on recruiting.
North American Indian Cultural CenterĀ (NAICC)
North American Indian Cultural Center (NAICC) is the grant recipient and provider of services of WIOA Title I training and employment funds for Native Americans.
Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services provides access to unemployment services and labor market information, as well as Wagner-Peyser job placement assistance, veterans’ employment programs, Unemployment Compensation re-employment services and TAA re-employment services.
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
The Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR) and Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired (BSVI) provides employment rehabilitation services to persons with physical, mental and emotional disabilities.
PathStone is a private not-for-profit community-based organization that provides training and employment services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers through funds from the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act. PathStone also provides various supportive services. PathStone staff is bi-lingual in English and Spanish and an important resource for the One-Stop Center system.
Fax: (567) 424-6957
Akron Office: (330) 620-0467
Ohio Outreach: (419) 577-9631
Portage Lakes Career Center (PLCC)
Portage Lakes Career Center (PLCC) offers adults throughout the region and high school students in the Portage Lakes Joint Vocational School District with career training and development programs that meet the demands of today’s high-tech job market. PLCC’s Adult Education Department offers day and evening classes to help adult students remain competitive in today’s workforce. From basic education to job training, PLCC provides hands-on, skills-based instruction that helps students of all ages to meet their educational and professional goals.
Project Learn of Summit County
Project Learn of Summit County offers literacy and high school equivalency preparation classes for adults who are at least 16* years of age. Students must register with Project Learn by calling 330-434-9461. In addition to services at OMJ Summit County, Project Learn offers a variety of adult education services at 20 locations throughout Summit County including literacy, high school equivalency Preparation, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and College and Career Prep classes. Project Learn is also an official GED Test Center in Summit County.
*Because compulsory school attendance is to the age of 18 in the state of Ohio, additional requirements are in place for those who are under the age of 19. Please contact us for information.
Summit and Medina Workforce Area Council of Governments
Summit & Medina Workforce Area Council of Governments (SAMWA COG) staff are onsite at the OMJ center to carry out the Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (RESEA) program to address individual reemployment needs of Ohio Unemployment Insurance claimants, reduce UI duration through improved employment outcomes, strengthen UI program integrity, promote alignment with the vision of the WIOA, and act as an entry point to other workforce system partners. Use option 3 when calling the OMJ main line. Learn more about RESEA.
Summit County Department of Job and Family Services (SCDJFS)
Summit County Department of Job and Family Services (SCDJFS) administers all public assistance and social service programs as well as Title XX, childcare and Medicaid. SCDJFS works to develop a comprehensive array of human services programs to meet the needs of eligible county residents. Residents of Summit County may apply for TANF (OWF), food assistance, Medicaid, and childcare.
Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD)
Since 1967, Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board (Summit DD) has helped connect people with disabilities to supports that empower each individual to contribute to their own success and to that of their community.
(330) 634-8000 |
The University of Akron
The University of Akron is an institute of higher learning which offers credit and non-credit programs to the student body and to the surrounding community.
Vantage Aging
Vantage Aging (formally Mature Services) promotes successful aging by providing programs to support the needs of older adults wishing to age in place and live independently with dignity. Offering state-wide assistance to low-income adults seeking job training and employment, Vantage’s Senior Community Service Employment Program provides low-income (125% of poverty) individuals age 55+ with part-time work experience and training opportunities for 20 hours per week.
Volunteers of America
Through thousands of human services programs, including housing and healthcare, Volunteers of America helps nearly 2 million people across the country – more than 23,000 in Ohio and Indiana alone. The Volunteers of America Ohio & Indiana HVRP program focuses on reintegrating individuals into the workforce and building strong systems. VOA understands the unique needs of the veterans they serve and structure to meet those needs. We use a veteran-centered approach to develop an Individual Employment Plan (IEP) based on an individual’s strengths, barriers, and preferences. Additionally, VOA collaborates with public and private partners at all levels (federal, state and local) to provide supportive services and access to housing.
YouthBuild at Towpath Trail High School
Towpath Trail High School was created for the unique teens and young adults that have been failed by traditional high schools. We are a tuition-free, drop out recovery high school that provides support to 16-21 year olds that have not completed high school. In addition to earning their fully accredited diploma, students at Towpath Trail High School also complete academic coursework, life skills training, job training and placement, as well as earn a certificate in either Healthcare or Construction. With three school locations in Summit County, self-paced learning and flexible scheduling to work around job or child care - you can earn your diploma on your time.