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Husted Announces TechCred Results for January
Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted, who serves as Director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, today announced the results of the January round of TechCred, which will provide the opportunity for Ohioans to earn 4,434 tech-focused credentials.
“Today we are allocating over $5 million in TechCred funding, the most ever requested or awarded in one application period,” said Lt. Governor Husted. “Demand is growing, and TechCred is helping businesses and thousands of Ohioans become more competitive, delivering on our administration’s commitment to support efforts that upskill our current workforce in preparation for a more tech-focused economy.”
The January round of TechCred marked the 12th round of the program. Today, Lt. Governor Husted announced that 370 Ohio employers were approved for funding, resulting in Ohio employees earning up to 4,434 technology-focused credentials. Businesses of all sizes are utilizing the program, with 116 new employers joining the program for the first time this round.
“The interest in the TechCred program shows there is a desire among business leaders to improve the technical skills of the workforce,” said Ohio Department of Development Director Lydia Mihalik. “The credentials being earned by Ohio workers will help both employees and businesses be successful in a tech-driven economy.”
With the approvals announced today, a total of 1,728 Ohio employers have been approved for funding over the span of the program, supporting the earning of 36,703 tech-focused credentials by Ohio employees.
“Ohio continues to add to its total number of employers participating in TechCred, which leads to more upskilled workers and more tech-focused credentials awarded,” said Ohio Department of Higher Education Chancellor Randy Gardner. “All of these are vital to a strong, growing economy.”
The current TechCred application period opened on March 1st and will close on Thursday, March 31st at 3:00 p.m. Businesses with employees who have completed their approved TechCred training should complete the reimbursement process at
You can learn more about the program at