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2023 Tax Preparation Assistance Locations

Free Tax Preparation

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal income tax credit for low to moderate income working individuals and families.  The Akron Summit Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Program is administered by Akron Summit Community Action, Inc. which promote and support free tax preparation service for the underserved. 

Due to the Coronavirus health crises, Community Action Akron Summit EITC Tax Program will not offer face-to face appointments.  Clients may schedule a drop off appointment by calling 234-206-3170 or by visiting  

When entering the building, temperatures will be taken and all clients are required to wear a facemask. If you do not have an acceptable face covering, we will provide one to you. Once your tax return is prepared, clients will receive a telephone call to come back for pickup of their completed and reviewed tax return.

 Schedule online
